“Before I moved here, I was in an abusive relationship with someone who didn’t have any type of faith. In addition, my previous experiences with church left me with the impression that I had to work to earn God’s love. Until a friend invited me to Fox River, I never knew about the sacrifice Jesus made for me to have freedom and a relationship with Him. Over time, everything changed for me.

Being in the Word has helped me find peace in the struggles I’ve had with men. Instead of letting my past consume me, I thank God for helping me out of those situations. I’ve also struggled with horrible anxiety. Reading the Bible and going to my small group have helped me realize that I can talk about my anxieties with God, and He will always help me through them. My small group really has become family; it’s been great having strong Christian women to look up to, and we even got baptized as a group at the lake!

I didn’t have a relationship with God before. I prayed and believed, but Fox River taught me how to talk to Him and apply the Word to everyday life. I have a new perspective on God and l feel strong enough to handle the curve balls of life. I know that with Jesus, I can overcome anything in my path. As I live out my faith, I want to help young women like myself deal with similar issues; I want them to know that they are not alone and that life only gets better when you shift your focus to God.”