Saturday, October 28

Acts 28:30-31

For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ – with all boldness and without hindrance!


Paul is imprisoned in Rome for two years… all because He unashamedly followed Christ. Paul gave everything for the One who gave everything for him. Paul would eventually die for Christ, but until that day came, he lived for Christ. Even though Paul’s faith landed him on house arrest in faraway Rome, Paul saw it as an opportunity to continue bringing His Savior glory.

From his private cell/apartment and while physically chained to a different Roman guard every four hours, Paul continued to share the Gospel with anyone and everyone God graced his way. In truth, God was reaching people that would have never otherwise been reached; all sorts of people in Rome were hearing the good news. Roman guards, Jewish leaders, non-Jewish folk and unexpected people (i.e., a run-away slave) were coming to faith in Jesus Christ. Paul wrote Holy Spirit-inspired letters to churches during his imprisonment (Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians and Philippians).

His captivity also fostered boldness and courage amongst believers; many shared their faith in new ways because of Paul’s faithfulness (even while imprisoned) to the calling he received. Paul was an ambassador of Christ, even while in chains. May we all be ambassadors for Christ, in our freedom.


Father, please give me a spirit of boldness; that I might do exactly what you have called me to do. That I might be like Christ. Embolden me with Your strength as You send people my way; people who need to hear from You. I am Yours, Father. May my life be a life lived unto You. Amen.


Today, PRAY in a new way. Pray for expectation; expectation that God would bend His ear to you. That the God of the universe (the One who made the heavens, the earth, the seas and all that is in them) would hear you. That the Savior of the world would answer the prayer of your heart. Pray that God would be pleased to use you to continue His mission of bringing the Kingdom of heaven down to earth. Pray that God would send people your way; that He might minister and help… through you. Be ready. Be (like) Jesus.