Tuesday, October 17

Acts 17:16-17

While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols. So he reasoned in the synagogue with both Jews and God-fearing Greeks, as well as in the marketplace day by day with those who happened to be there.


Acts 17 takes place in the middle of Paul’s second missionary journey while he and his missionary band are in Greece. Like so many times before, the good news of Jesus Christ is shared and the non-believing Jews incite mistreatment and opposition. Paul and his group make disciples in the city of Thessalonica, but are forced to leave. They then travel to the city of Berea, where the good news brings more conversions; however, Paul is forced to leave that city as well.

Paul leaves Berea, but Silas and Timothy remain. Paul travels to the city of Athens, one of the most diverse, educated and idolatrous cities in all the world. As Paul sends for his friends and waits for them to join him, Paul takes in sights and sounds of the city. He is troubled. He takes action. Paul spends his days reasoning and conversing with people in the local synagogue, marketplace and even in the court of the Areopagus.

Paul realized that the people of the city were spiritually lost and would perish apart from new life in Christ. Paul did his best to help them; even though only a small number of people came to faith in Jesus Christ through his efforts.

It is good for us to notice the people around us that do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior; our hearts should break for these family members, neighbors, coworkers, acquaintances, enemies and strangers. God has given us an opportunity and power to pray for the unbelievers God has allowed for us to cross paths with. May we use these opportunities to love like Jesus.


Father, give me eyes like Yours; that I might see and notice the spiritually lost souls around me. Grant me Your heart; that my spirit would be provoked to pray and help those who don’t know You. I need Your mind and Your mouth, Lord; that I might be wise with my words as I share You with others. Help me to love like You, Jesus. Amen.


PRAY in a new way today. First, pray that you might see with God’s eyes today. STOP, PRAY RIGHT NOW (seriously). Now, try praying for people throughout the whole day. PRAY for the person you walk past on the sidewalk. PRAY for the person in the car next to you at the stoplight. PRAY for the bus driver that drove your (grand)children to school today. You get the idea… PRAY for as many people as you can today. PRAY that they might seek God and find Him. PRAY that they would respond to the stirring of God’s Holy Spirit within their hearts. PRAY that God might send and surround them with godly people (like you?) to share the Christian faith with them.