Our staff will contact you within 72 hours of your request.
Payment may be required.
Payment for facility is paid upon booking.
User Policies to be aware of:
- Smoke Free Facility
- Confetti, Glitter, Rice, etc., are not to be used in or on church property.
- No alcohol consumed, gifted or raffled in any way.
- Any damage to facilities (or equipment) other than from normal use, shall be the responsibility of those using the facility (equipment).
- Indemnification: It is an express term of this agreement that the User indemnifies Fox River Christian Church for any costs or damages of any kind incurred by Fox River Christian Church as a result of the use of the church by User.
- All bookings and arrangements to be made through the church office or Campus Operations Director.
- Cancellation: Please notify the office or Campus Operations Director at least 48 hours prior to event.