Wednesday, April 19

Acts 1:8 – [Jesus said to His disciples,] “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Have you ever had a dead car battery? Without power you are going nowhere. The same is true when it comes to sharing the good news of Jesus with others–without God’s power you will not accomplish anything of lasting value. That is why Jesus instructed his disciples to wait for the power of the Holy Spirit before launching out to share the good news. The arrival of the Holy Spirit was a true game-changer. His presence and power in the disciples’ lives enabled them to share Christ with all the world. May we go in that same power of the Holy Spirit to our Jerusalem (local community), our Judea (area or region), our Samaria (state or country), and to then ends of the earth (everywhere) sharing the greatest news of all–Jesus died and rose again so those who believe can be forgiven and spend eternity with Jesus!

Prayer Topic:

Spend time today praying specifically for the people within your spheres of influence. Pray they would come to know Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. Ask God to empower you with His Holy Spirit; that you would show His love and share His message of hope in great ways. Pray also for our church; that we would see many coming to know Jesus.

Pastor Ken