Tuesday, October 3

Acts 2:44-45

And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.


The early church in Jerusalem was comprised mainly of Jewish believers, many of whom had previously taken part in the crucifixion of Jesus. After turning their hearts to God and receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. An outpouring of love for each other, and a desire for oneness, overflowed within the early church from the Gift. This oneness in the Spirit created an environment in which believers shared whatever they had with those who were in need. Their giving was not done from an obligation or based on rules, but was based on the love of God that overflowed from their hearts to others.

As believers, we have been given the same gift of the Holy Spirit. We are known as His own, to the world and those in need, by the love and compassion that we show others through giving – giving of ourselves, our time and our resources.


Lord, I thank You for your gift of the Holy Spirit, and the desire for oneness within us as your Church. I pray that You continue to grow within me Your love for others and Your heart for those in need. Help me to see them through Your eyes. Direct each step I take in responding to Your greatest commandment to love by giving of myself in service to everyone You have placed in my life. I lay my heart, and everything You have given to me at Your feet, for Your glory. I pray these things in Your holy name. Amen.


How can you GIVE in a new way today? As you pray and listen to God’s leading throughout your day, open your heart to promptings from the Holy Spirit. That you might GIVE of yourself, your time and your resources in ways that glorify Him. That, through you, His love might touch the lives of family members, friends, coworkers, volunteers and others that He purposefully places in your path today.