Necessary Rhythms for Being Famous at Home | Dr. Joshua Straub

September 9th, 2023  –  Dr. Josh Straub

You shouldn’t have to choose between work and your family. You can be famous at home and thrive on your stage. Key Takeaways: – The importance of establishing weekly and daily family rhythms as a way to combat anxiety and depression. – The need to be slow to anger, quick to listen, and slow to speak in order to maintain emotional safety and presence with our loved ones. – The significance of spending time with God, as our ability to be present with our loved ones is a direct reflection of us spending time with Him. – The call to surrender our hearts to Jesus, acknowledging that without Him, we can’t truly be present with others. – The exercise of writing down the current age of every person in your household and their age 10 years from now, to evaluate if the current rhythms and routines are leading to where you want your family to be in the future.

Today’s Teaching: 📖Proverbs 29:18, KJV 📖Philippians 4:6-7, NIV 📖Philippians 4:8, NIV 📖Isaiah 65:1, NLT